Nyvall News & Notes, May 15

Important Dates


10-14 Summer Intensives (on campus)


15-28 Center for Spiritual Direction intensives


Please enjoy the recording of North Park Theological Seminary’s Spring 2024 Commencement Convocation. Congratulations to all our accomplished grads!


In what has become a beloved tradition, the NPTS Faculty and Staff proudly offer you this musical celebration of another academic year together and the class of 2024’s completion of their studies.

We are grateful for each of you, blessed by the NPTS learning community, and proud of your perseverance and accomplishments. May you celebrate well and find rest amidst the transition to summer and for graduates – life post-seminary.

We hope you enjoy! 


Dr. Sophia Magallanes-Tsang, Assistant Professor of Old Testament

We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Sophia Magallanes-Tsang to North Park Theological Seminary as Assistant Professor of Old Testament, beginning officially in Fall 2024!

  1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
    I am the 6th child of a family of 7 sisters. I am Mexican American. I grew up in a Latino/a Pentecostal Church in San Fernando, CA (right outside of LA). I love to sing and dance. I was on a Musical Theatre scholarship as an undergraduate Biblical Studies major at APU.I started out as Theological and Arts concentration in Seminary but ended up in the Book of Job after I wrote a paper that used Job as a model for Holy Theatre.
  2. What are a few things you love about studying the Old Testament?
    On the literary side of things, I love the Hebrew language and also Hebrew poetry. When it comes to the historical and cultural side of things, my interests lie in honor-orientation in the Psalms and Wisdom books. 
  3. What are you excited for about joining the NPTS community?
    I am excited about connecting to everyone and hearing everyone’s stories. I feel like I can serve people better when I get to know their past and present contexts as well as their goals and dreams.
  4. What do you do for fun?
    I sing and dance. I go to concerts, museums, and dance performances. My husband and I travel a lot and like to be out in nature as well. 
  5. What’s one thing you’ll miss about California—and one thing you’re excited about Chicago?
    I will miss how close Sam and I were to family in California. Fresno was equidistant between both our families in LA and SF. Also, we will miss the proximity to Yosemite as well as other National Parks. We are excited about discovering the city of Chicago, its rich art scene, and participating in its diverse communities.

Welcome to NPTS, Dr. Magallanes-Tsang! We can’t wait to witness God use your gifts of teaching and scholarship in our community.


Beginning Fall 2024, community worship and dinner will take place on Tuesdays at 4:30pm. Our welcome back worship and dinner will take place on Tuesday, August 27, 2024.

Announcing NPTS Travel Course:
Issues of Christian Faith in the Americas
3 credits, Spring 2025

Ministries Engaging Interculturally in Context

Covenant Church of Colombia

Learn about holistic ministry with leaders from diverse communities in several parts of Colombia.

Pre-travel online work begins spring semester. Travel dates: March 7-17, 2025

TBD. Scholarships to cover up to half of NON-TUITION costs for those taking the course for credit.

Faculty instructors
Professor Armida Belmonte-Stephens and Dr. Paul De Neui

For application and more information, contact: cwcs@covchurch.org. Space limited to 10 students.



(Mission Equipping and Training Event)

Hosted by the Center for World Christian Studies with Serve Globally and North Park Theological Seminary

Covering the Whys and Hows of global service of the Evangelical Covenant Church today, METE focuses on biblical foundations, post-colonial mission values, cultural immersion, and personal preparedness. METE exists to assist leaders and lay people in determining their place in participation with God’s mission among people everywhere through Serve Globally of the ECC.

When: Four Fridays online – May 31, June 1, 14, 21 (from 11 am – 2 pm, cdt). We will be using MS Teams to connect.

Click here to register. Available as a 3-credit independent study through North Park Theological Seminary.


Job Highlights

Youth Ministry Coordinator at Boulevard Presbyterian Church in Oak Park, IL

Boulevard Presbyterian Church is looking for someone who loves Christ and cares for God’s people to minister to our middle and high school students and to coordinate a team of adult volunteers to assist in this ministry. We currently have about a dozen middle and high school students in our congregation, and we anticipate that number to grow in the coming years as our fifty-some children grow into middle and high school students.

This is a part-time, salaried position. More information can be found in the job posting here.

Senior Pastor at Trailer Estates and Tri-Park Covenant Churches in Bradenton, FL

Trailer Estates Covenant Church and Tri-Par Covenant Church are two 55 plus communities who share one pastor in Bradenton, Florida. Their current pastor just retired after years of wonderful ministry and they are looking for a new senior pastor to serve both churches. The candidate would preach at each church on Sundays and lead a mid-week Bible Study for each congregation. Many of the residents of these two 55 plus parks live in Florida during the fall and winter months and then go to the Midwest, east coast, and north for the spring and summer months. 

This call would be an excellent opportunity for someone in their first or someone looking for a new call who loves older adults and is interested in perfecting the four pastoral arts of preaching, teaching, caring and leading well. We’d love to hear from you and provide you with additional information. To express interest in becoming the senior pastor of these wonderful churches, please contact our conference office at office@southeastconf.org. We would be excited to pass your information along to the search committee. These churches are members of the Southeast Conference of the Covenant.

Covenant Point Internship

Covenant Point is seeking intern staff applicants!

The internship program at Covenant Point is designed to provide young adults with 1) supervised practical experience and training in all facets of camping ministry, 2) exploration and discernment of one’s sense of vocation, and 3) experience living in a small, Christian community. Interns provide Covenant Point with critical staffing support in all areas of our operations; sensitivity and special interest is given to allowing the intern to craft the emphases of their experience based on gifts and interests. Our aim is to help women and men grow as disciples of Jesus Christ through a shared rhythm of work, worship, hospitality, adventure, ministry, training, reflection, and mentoring.

Typically, internships begin in September and conclude the following September. Contact Executive Director, Erik Strom, at erik@cpbc.com if you’d like to learn more.

Application can be made by submitting a resume and cover letter.

Covenant Point Bible Camp
358 W. Hagerman Lake Rd
Iron River, MI 49935

IDOC (Illinois Department of Corrections) Chaplain

The Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) is seeking to fill open chaplaincy positions in a variety of its facilities. The minimum requirements are a Master of Divinity, at least one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education, ability to be endorsed by an ecclesial body (licensure/ordination), and one year of working in a pastoral care setting (such as a church, hospital, etc.)

To learn more about current openings and requirements, visit: Chaplain – State of Illinois Jobs (jobs2web.com)

Part-Time Worship Leader at Redeemer Church in Park Ridge, IL

Worship Leader for a small, growing Christian congregation in Park Ridge. The worship leader will put together monthly scheules, participate in song selection, practice with musicians, and lead the band and congregation at an 11:00 am Sunday contemporary worship service.

Please send a resume and/or questions to office@redeemerparkridge.com

Internships at SCORE

SCORE International’s mission is to glorify God through missions in obedience to the Great Commission. We are a Christ-following mission agency with 25 locations in Central and South America, the Caribbean, and the United States! We have internship opportunities in most of our mission locations, serving alongside our missionaries as essential support roles. Interns do anything from assisting our short-term mission teams, leading Bible studies, translating, to helping medical professionals! Each internship is specific to the intern! We would love to have you serve with us this summer! For more information, please contact Joelle Person at joelle@scoreintl.org or call her at 423-894-7111. You can also check out our website for additional information: https://scoreintl.org/intern/

Part-Time Youth Ministry Director at Batavia Covenant Church

The Youth Ministry Director loves God and loves students. They lead the discipleship of students in grades 6-12 at Batavia Covenant Church, equipping the church to be effective in discipling youth (with a particular focus on youth ministry volunteers and parents). They will minister directly with youth, lead programs, and equip people. As a member of the staff, they will collaborate toward the fulfillment of BCC’s mission and advancement of our core values. The Youth Ministry Director is responsible to the Lead Pastor. 

For more information visit the Nyvall News Job Page or click here!

Part-Time Worship Team Coordinator at Libertyville Covenant Church

The Worship Team Coordinator at Libertyville Covenant Church provides leadership to a group of volunteer team members, collaborates with staff, and participates in weekly worship with a blended service.

For more information contact Pastor Steve Larson: steve@libcov.org

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