Chapel Corner…Monday, November 13 Worship Across Generations

Join us for a unique chapel on Monday, November 13th at 6 pm.
(Preceded by dinner at 5 pm)

One of the continued challenges of worship in many of our churches is how to incorporate children well into our main services of worship. Even for those of us who are convinced that this is a good idea in theory often find it difficult to actually do in practice. Our theory of children ends up running up against actual, fidgety, flesh-and-blood kids who was just as soon run around the sanctuary than sit piously listening to a 20-minute sermon! In a special Monday evening chapel (6 p.m.), we’ll have our second “worship across” service examining how to worship across generations. Leading us in this time will be Mark Burrows, a children’s minister, musician, songwriter, and practitioner specializing in practical ways to incorporate children into the main worshipping life of the church. He will not only talk about worshipping with kids but model many practical ways this can be done by all our churches.
All are welcome, particularly the children in our community! 

We will have a dinner preceding the service at 5 pm in the lounge, the service at 6 pm, and Q&A after.
See Dave ( for more information! Hope to see you there!

Learn more about our speaker, Mark Burrows, and his work .


Thursday’s Chapel Service

We will still have our regular chapel service on Thursday at 11 am followed by lunch.  The chapel service will be led by our student-led Globalization and Diversity Committee. Come and listen to your peers share their journey’s.

Watch Previous Chapel Services Online