Chapel Corner…November 13 & 16

Don’t forget that we have two chapel services this week.  Each one with a different focus and voice, yet both seeking to cross divides.

Our Worship Across Generations chapel is tonight at 6 pm, preceded by dinner at 5 pm.  
Our regular Thursday chapel will be at our usual time of 11 am followed by community lunch.

To read more about tonight’s chapel, read the Chapel Corner sent out on Friday.

Thursday’s chapel will be led by our students on Globalization and Diversity Committee. Come and listen to the many varieties of voices and stories of your peers.

Lunch will follow in Olsson Lounge.

Looking Ahead…

Next week is Thanksgiving.  There will be no Thursday classes or chapel.  

After this week, there are only 2 chapels left in the semester.  Make sure you make time to worship with your seminary community!

Watch Previous Chapel Services Online