Nyvall News & Notes, February 19

Important Dates


20 An Evening in the Torah 6:30-8 p.m. in Olsson Lounge (Cancelled)

TBD Summer Registration Opens

23 January Term Ends


1 Discernment: The Art of Decision-Making (prayer retreat hosted by Ellen Kogstad), 9-11am CST, Nyvall Hall*

4 VSFL Papers Due

6 Public Theology Panel “I Could Be Wrong: Cultural and Intellectual Humility in a Polarized World” (featuring Ismael Ruiz-Millán & Eleonore Stump), 11:30am-1pm CST, Zoom*

11–15 Reading Week and March Intensives

*Requires sign-up here

Pictured Above

Dr. Dennis Edwards, Dr. Hauna Ondrey, Dr. Michelle Dodson, Dr. Max Lee, and President Mary Surridge at last week’s faculty installation ceremony!

Community Worship-Thursdays at 4:30 p.m.

Please join us this Thursday at 4:30pm for community worship & a soul-food supper in honor of Black History Month.  Pastor Vernée Washington will be preaching. We are looking forward to enjoying food and fellowship with you, as well as with members of the University’s Board of Trustees, who will be joining us for both the service and the meal.  See you then!

If you can’t make it in person, join us on Zoom here or use Meeting ID: 884 3892 1088 and Passcode: 305205.

Public Theology Panel “I Could Be Wrong: Cultural and Intellectual Humility in a Polarized World”

March 6 11:30am-1pm CT on Zoom featuring Ismael Ruiz-Millán & Eleonore Stump

How can we hold strong convictions with openness and grace in an increasingly polarized world? In this discussion, a philosopher and intercultural practitioner examine how intellectual and cultural humility can help us recognize our own finitude and bridge seemingly insurmountable divides.

This event is free and open to the public but requires registration here.

Discernment: The Art of Decision-Making Prayer Retreat

Please join us for a special prayer retreat on Friday, March 1 as Ellen Kogstad leads us in the art of discernment. Please RSVP here if you plan to attend in person or register for Zoom via the QR code above.

2024 Black Peace in the City Series

Schedule of Events:

(Today!) 2/19: From Economy of Violence to Economy of Peace. Nyvall Olsson Lounge

2/26: Black Peaceology: How Black Folks Succeed with Low Stress, and High Joy. Hamming Hall

Research Study

Why Discipleship?

Dates: April 3, 10, 17, 24, and May 1, 2024

Time: 3:00 – 4:30pm (CST)

Recently there have been many books written about the lack of discipleship in the Western Church. We do not “drift into discipleship”; nondiscipleship is the elephant in the church room (Willard). An important focus has been on evangelism with the desire for people to convert to Christ. The hope is that they are discipled by being engaged in church attendance and service. However, a clear understanding about how to grow in Christ has often times been negligent. The paradigm for discipleship that participants will engage with in this cohort is found in John 10:27: “My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me.” Recognizing the voice of Jesus is what discipleship is compared/contrasted to other voices.

Cost: $50 – includes all materials and coaching sessions (scholarships available)

Registration Deadline: Mar. 20, 2024 (register here)

Questions: Please reach out to Dr. Bret Widman at bmwidman@northpark.edu.

Bring Chicago Home Town Hall @ LSTC

Wednesday, February 21 @ 12:30 PM in the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago’s Chapel

Register to join us as we learn about faith-based organizing in Chicago & get energized to do the work to Bring Chicago Home! The progressive tax reform legislation Bring Chicago Home was born out of the need to address our housing & homelessness crisis in a meaningful way. As people of faith, seminarians, and church leaders, we are called to turn out with community partners to vote YES on Bring Chicago Home on March 19th.

To learn more visit: www.bringchicagohome.org

Writing Center Application Deadline

The Writing Center will be accepting applications until March 18. If you have interest in becoming a writing advisor or questions, please visit one of the WAs drop-in shift. There is no need to make an appointment; you may physically drop in outside Brandel 123 or virtually drop in by accessing the Writing Advisor schedule posted on our writing center website and sending a message via your NP Outlook email or the MS Teams chat function to one of the WAs on duty: Our drop-in hours are Sunday, 4 pm – 8 pm; Monday-Thursday: 10 am to noon, 1 pm – 5 pm, and 6 pm – 10 pm CT. https://www.northpark.edu/academics/undergraduate-programs/academic-assistance/writing-center/

Health Services is Offering:

  • CPR Classes – Interested in taking the AHA Adult CPR AED course?  Email llucas-lukosevicius@northpark.edu for more information and to register for an upcoming course.  Space is limited, registration required.  Next course: February 23rd from 1:30pm-4:00pm. 
  • Stop the Bleed!  The Stop the Bleed campaign is a nationwide program focused on educating individuals on what to do in the event of life-threatening bleeding.  Health services is bringing a certified trainer to campus on March 20th.   You will learn how to apply pressure & apply a tourniquet.   Email llucas-lukosevicius@northpark.edu for more information or to be placed on waitlist if unable to register.     Register for this free event by emailing llucas-lukosevicius@northpark.edu

Summer 2024 Seminary Classes

Now that the spring semester is officially underway, we want to share the courses planned for summer 2024, including a rich range of electives. We look forward especially to the in-person intensive week (June 10-14) and the opportunity it provides for campus, distance, and Stateville students to share physical classrooms together. Draft syllabi will be available following the spring reading week, closer to summer registration opening.

Spring 2024 Community Events

We are looking forward to community events for Spring 2024! Make sure to add dates to your calendar and register here for the events with asterisks next to them!

Job Highlights

Part-Time Worship Leader at Redeemer Church in Park Ridge, IL

Worship Leader for a small, growing Christian congregation in Park Ridge. The worship leader will put together monthly scheules, participate in song selection, practice with musicians, and lead the band and congregation at an 11:00 am Sunday contemporary worship service.

Please send a resume and/or questions to office@redeemerparkridge.com

Internships at SCORE

SCORE International’s mission is to glorify God through missions in obedience to the Great Commission. We are a Christ-following mission agency with 25 locations in Central and South America, the Caribbean, and the United States! We have internship opportunities in most of our mission locations, serving alongside our missionaries as essential support roles. Interns do anything from assisting our short-term mission teams, leading Bible studies, translating, to helping medical professionals! Each internship is specific to the intern! We would love to have you serve with us this summer! For more information, please contact Joelle Person at joelle@scoreintl.org or call her at 423-894-7111. You can also check out our website for additional information: https://scoreintl.org/intern/

Part-Time Youth Ministry Director at Batavia Covenant Church

The Youth Ministry Director loves God and loves students. They lead the discipleship of students in grades 6-12 at Batavia Covenant Church, equipping the church to be effective in discipling youth (with a particular focus on youth ministry volunteers and parents). They will minister directly with youth, lead programs, and equip people. As a member of the staff, they will collaborate toward the fulfillment of BCC’s mission and advancement of our core values. The Youth Ministry Director is responsible to the Lead Pastor. 

For more information visit the Nyvall News Job Page or click here!

Part-Time Worship Team Coordinator at Libertyville Covenant Church

The Worship Team Coordinator at Libertyville Covenant Church provides leadership to a group of volunteer team members, collaborates with staff, and participates in weekly worship with a blended service.

For more information contact Pastor Steve Larson: steve@libcov.org

Spring 2024 Semester Counseling Resources

Counseling Support Services is offering a variety of counseling support options for students this semester free of charge. If you are experiencing unmanageable anxiety, sadness, difficulty adjusting, problems in relationships, or if you are hurting due to the many challenges before us, Counseling can help. We also offer Mental Health First Aid Training so that you can learn how to help friends and family that might be experiencing a mental health challenge or crisis.

Individual Counseling – available to all full-time and degree-seeking part-time students, allows an individual to explore concerns with an objective counselor in order to work toward goals established by the student. Counseling Support Services offers brief counseling, up to 20 sessions, and sessions are scheduled for 50 minutes, primarily on a weekly basis. However, the number and frequency of sessions vary and are determined based on student need and counselor recommendation and availability.

For appointment requests:

Please use the new student health portal at northpark.studenthealthportal.com, click the link below, call us at (773) 244-4897, or visit our office Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. at 3317 West Foster Avenue (a few doors west of the campus postal center).

General inquires can be directed via email to counseling@northpark.edu.

Group Counseling-

Practical Ways to Manage Anxiety

Mondays, 10:30am-11:30am, February 12, 2024-April 15, 2024

Do you have trouble letting go of anxious thoughts? Do you feel worried all the time? You are not alone. Join us and learn skills to combat anxiety and navigate life’s daily stressors while connecting with peers who share similar experiences.

Let’s Talk – In collaboration with campus partners, Let’s Talk is an informal, walk-in support service that offers confidential meetings with a North Park counselor free for all NPU students at various locations around campus. Students can drop in (no appointment necessary) to speak with a counselor.

All sessions are from 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m M-F at the Health & Counseling office, 3317 W Foster Ave.

Additional information at Let’s Talk

Mental Health First Aid – Students, faculty, and staff are invited to register for this free training opportunity that is designed to teach you how to approach, assess, and assist a person who may be experiencing a mental health challenge

Upcoming training dates include:

Wednesday, February 14, 2024; 10:30am-4:00pm (IN-PERSON)

Wednesday, April 17, 2024 AND Wednesday, April 24, 2024; 2:00pm-4:30pm. (IN-PERSON) (Must attend both days to earn certification)

Click here to register for training!

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