Chapel Corner: Week of August 24

Virtual Worship

Join us on ZOOM this Thursday at 11 am (CST) as we begin our year by introducing our new chapel format and theme (“One Bread, One Body”), practicing the ancient Christian practice of lectio divina, and hearing from our own Dr. Dennis Edwards who will walk us through our guiding texts this semester, Col. 3 and 1Cor 12. We hope to see you there as we begin this semester in worship!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 865 9453 4520 Passcode: 376940

Morning Prayer for our Campus Community

Please join us for Morning Prayer every Tuesday morning at 9 in front of Nyvall Hall around the statue of Lina Sandell. We will wear masks and maintain a 6 foot distance apart. As we gather outside in God’s good creation we are reminded of God’s provision. As we offer our day and week to God we stand in unity with all who pray. As we see the eyes of our sisters and brothers and hold one another’s prayers we remember we are not alone but rather journey, at least for a time, together. Let us stand with one another “and let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds… encouraging one another…”  See you Tuesday!

Prayer will be facilitated by different community members each week (staff, faculty, and students) please use this link to sign up for a week or contact Dean Deb with any questions.