Chapel Corner…August 31

Chapel this week on August 31, 2017

This week we will start our year of weekly community worship with our annual Convocation service.  Join us at 11am on Thursday as we welcome, celebrate, pray for, and usher in our new students.  Also new to our community this year is our preacher for this week, Rev. Dr. Dwight Perry, Dean of Faculty and Professor of Homiletics & Leadership.

A formal community lunch will follow in Hamming Hall.

Come and worship as we mark the start of a new year. 

New in Our Worship Life Together This Year

How does worship form community in a changing seminary landscape? This was our guiding question as we imagined and wrote the Vital Worship Grant which was awarded to NPTS this Spring. As we welcome students from a diversity of cultures, generations, churches, backgrounds and experiences, this question remains before us as we seek to create worship experiences that are true to our identity and open to who we are becoming.  

This year in chapel we look forward to exploring the various divides that plague the church today in planning, leading and implementing worship. Over the course of the year we are inviting six different practitioners, to come and model and unpack worship that crosses these barriers. These WORSHIP ACROSS chapels will be followed by lunch forums that will give us opportunities to discuss and ask questions of our guest experts. The themes are: Ability, generation, culture, politics, the Table and style. If you know those outside of our community who would be interested in these topics please invite them to come and stay for lunch.