Letter from Dean Deb

Dear Students,

I want you to know we are holding you all in prayer during this public health crisis. In times like this there is usually an increase in personal stress and anxiety as well as isolation and loneliness. I want to remind you of the resources available to you. North Park’s Health Center and Counseling Department are both available via tele-health. There is more information here: https://www.northpark.edu/campus-life-and-services/student-success-and-wellness/health-services-center/

This crisis has impacted all of us and all of our jobs. If this has led to some job insecurity or if you are feeling financially vulnerable as a result we know that can also lead to anxiety. I wanted to remind you that the Deacons Fund is also a resource to you as a temporary help in this time. If you would benefit from some financial help from the deacons fund please apply here: https://www.northpark.edu/seminary/academics/student-resources/personal-financial-resources/

I also want to assure you that although faculty and staff are not physically present on campus we are all available to you via phone or email. Please feel free to email and we would be happy to follow up via phone. If you are concerned about a fellow student please let us know by making a report via EARS here: https://northpark.pharos360.com/login.php

In this health crisis I encourage you to do what you can to be well in body, mind and spirit. As weather permits may daily walks keep your body refreshed. May your ongoing academic work keep your mind renewed and as we are more distant from each other may your spirit be reminded of the Loving One who is imminently present to you.


Dean Deb