Letters for Stateville – Correspondence Project

In the midst of the Coronavirus, many things have changed. One of the changes that has occurred is connected to our NPTS students at Stateville Prison.

As you likely know, prisons around the country have been shut down for outside programing, which is wise, but also very isolating. North Park faculty are not able to go in to inform students face to face. While we are sending packets for our students to continue their semester studies independently, we want to offer our support in other ways as well.

Letters and cards are always a source of great encouragement, but especially at times when the facilities are on lockdown and communication with family and friends is limited. If you or any members of your church (or community) would like to write our students with encouragement and blessings it would mean a lot to our brothers behind bars during this difficult time.

For more information on how to be part of this please email Vickie Reddy – vareddy@northpark.edu