Living in Liminal Time

Dr. Mary Chase-Ziolek is a North Park Seminary Professor of Health Ministries and Nursing. She is the current professor of SPFM 6230-I 1 Being Well. The goal of this class is to seek a balance in the “relationship between spirituality and wholistic health” that will be explored “from a perspective of faith.” This became a very timely course indeed in the midst of the Coronavirus!

She will be sharing some words and reflections with us in the next few weeks out of her unique combination of nurse and theologian. At the moment, she wished to share this article written by Rev. Dr. Scott Stoner. He is the Director of Living Compass, which is a tool to help people “journey towards wellness and wholeness.”

He has written a reflection focusing on “liminal time,” the portion of our lives that is “between,” when you’re leaving your comfort zone, but have nothing to grasp onto yet. He compares it to an acrobat who “has let go of one swinging trapeze and is in mid-air, anxiously seeking the grasp of another who is swinging their way.” (Liminal Time). I don’t know about the rest of you, but this seems to match with what I’m feeling! He goes onto describe the two factors that help provide resilience in liminal time: spirituality and community.

The entire reflection is here, and well worth our time.