Looking for a Fall Elective?

We in Academic Services hope you’re surviving the end of the semester. As you wrap up papers and exams, though, don’t forget to plan for fall! Registration for fall semester is underway. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your advisor or Academic Services (semacademicserv@northpark.edu) if you have any questions. As you plan, consider taking one of the electives detailed below. These classes are not offered often so take advantage today!

BIBL 7170 Symposium — Holy Land: Biblical Perspectives and Contemporary Conflicts

Meeting: September 26 – 28, 2019
Instructors: Andrew Larsen
Course description: Join scholars from around the country as we engage in a discussion about the Bible and the Israel-Palestine Conflict. This course will meet on North Park’s campus the weekend of September 26-28, with additional work to extend throughout the semester.
Take this class if: You are in need of an advanced seminar in theology, elective credit, or are a distance student needing on-campus credit.

CEDF 6210 Ministry with Children

Meeting: Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 9:30pm
Instructor: Christine Olfelt
Course description: A framework for ministry to and with children will be developed by examining biblical foundations, current needs, and effective models of ministry. Child development and the spiritual formation of children will be explored. Sound curriculum and effective teaching techniques for children will be addressed.
Take this class if: You’re interested in leading with children or youth. This class also fulfills the CEDF elective requirement for MACF and MACM students. If you are an MACF or MACM student planning to graduate in December 2019 or May 2020, and you have not yet taken a CEDF elective, we highly recommend you sign up for this course!

MNST 6125 The God Who Sees–Learning together about Trauma (Issues of Christian Faith in the Americas)

Meeting: October 10-20, 2019
Instructors: Elizabeth Pierre
Course description: This course is a travel class to Ecuador over fall reading week. From earthquakes to interpersonal violence to human trafficking—South America has experienced tremendous trauma. Inevitably, churches and church leaders are impacted by such events. This class gathers pastors, lay leaders, and students from North and South America to listen, to share ideas, and to collaborate in order to provide effective pastoral care within this context.
This class will particularly focus on the role that lament and forgiveness play in the healing process for victims of trauma. We will also address burnout and learn how to care well for pastors and lay leaders who serve diligently serve those affected by trauma. After an experience of trauma, one may believe that God does not see his or her suffering. We hope that our time together will create an environment where each person experiences that he or she is seen by the God of hope.
Take this class if: You need a cultural diversity elective or need to fulfill requirements for an intercultural ministry certificate. Registration is by permission only, so please reach out to semacademicserv@northpark.edu if wanting to take this course.

MNST 6401 Sankofa: Racial Righteousness and Reconciliation

Meeting: Online work throughout the semester and travel from October 3-6, 2019
Instructor: Dominique Gilliard
Course description: This course has some online work throughout the semester and one weekend of travel to the South. The travel component will leave from and return to Chicago. The course approaches the challenges of the development of history, culture, and race and their implications in creating the American narrative. The course explores various themes including: culture, race, racism, and community and social justice. Students are enabled to develop methods toward reconciliation within a theological and biblical framework. Through a variety of readings, one-on-one conversations, lectures, guest lectures, and field visits, participants get perspectives on history, culture, and race rooted in African American experiences. The goal of the course is to explore African American history and culture, and the systems that created human categories based on race. The participants engage in research through readings, and class lectures discuss the challenges of racial justice, especially as it relates to the church and to the transformation of participants into agents of racial reconciliation as part of their ministry and leadership.
Take this class if: You need a cultural diversity elective or are hoping to grow in your cultural competency. Space is limited in this course, so please register ASAP if interested. You are also recommended to register with a same-gender partner of a different ethnicity.

MNST 6145 Mission of God: Insights for Service

Meeting: Online
Instructors: David Mark
Course description: This course is designed as an introductory survey of important issues in missiology for students planning to take only one course in mission studies. It will engage students in critical reflection upon their own missiological awareness, ability, and practice. Participants will apply biblical foundations, cultural studies and historic themes to present day contexts. Justice as mission, effective use of short term experiences, and discerning the call of God in global service are themes that will be explored.
Take this class if: You need an elective or are interested in missiology.

MNST 6121 Religion, Spirituality and Health

Meeting: Online
Instructor: Mary Chase-Ziolek
Course description: The influence of religious participation and spirituality on health has been a growing topic of medical research that has significant implications for ministry as well as for health care. The relationship between religion, spirituality, and health has been widely discussed in popular literature, has been disseminated to the public, and consequently is influencing our congregations and communities. The focus of this class will be to explore the study of religion, spirituality, and health, or “theosomatic” medicine as it has come to be known, the context in which it has occurred, the issues it presents, and practical implications for ministry and health care.
Take this class if: This class is a required course for the certificate in faith and health. It counts as an elective for everyone else!

As always, please feel free to reach out to your advisor or Academic Services at semacademicserv@northpark.edu with any questions or concerns. Classes are additionally still open for summer enrollment; find out more about summer classes here. Praying you’re well as we head into the last stretch of the semester!