Nyvall News & Notes…April 22nd

Keep these important dates on your calendar
April 24: Evening Fika by Student Association April 25:Thesispalooza
April 29 -May 3: Ignite Cohort 2 intensive week @ Mission Springs
May 1: End of the Year BBQ by Student Association
May 2: Final Chapel – Graduating Student Awards


Come learn from and support some of your fellow seminary peers as they present their thesis projects on Thursday, April 25th. The event will take place following chapel during the community lunch. Help them celebrate their finished projects and hard work!

Voting for the 2019-2020 Student Association Council is Open

Who would you like to represent you on SA next year? Please cast your votes at the link below by Friday, April 26. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe6XquFK6C-TeyMXIjjOZcrVO8BF4yNGytXqBgWJrWRKN4HKQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

What’s With the Door?

The theme of the senior retreat held last weekend at Covenant Harbor had the theme of  לֶךְ-לְךָ –Lech Lecha – To Go Forth. This theme was expounded, reflected upon and inscribed on the door that currently resides in the Deans’ Lounge. We extend an invitation to all graduating students and every community member to contribute to the theme and write a blessing, word of encouragement or scripture verse on the Graduation Door as a gift to our graduates as they go forth to serve. There are sharpies next to the door for this purpose. Thank you for helping us send our graduates forth in joy and care!

MNST 6230 – Preparing for Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals

Ever struggled knowing how to make narrative sermons both come alive and be accurate to the text? Ever wonder how to say both an appropriate but powerful sermon based on the text of scripture for the sacrament of Baptism, the Lords Supper or the crisis of a loss in a loved one’s family? If so, NPTS has an advanced one week preaching intensive course for you! Held on the campus of NPTS June 3-7th 2019. Dean of Faculty and Professor of Homiletics and Leadership, Dr. Dwight A. Perry along with NPTS alumnus and Senior Pastor of Bread of Life Missionary Baptist Church on the South Side of Chicago Dr. David Sutton are the professors. Whether you are a current seminary student, a staff or a senior pastor this course will help you. You must have taken the foundational preaching course MNST 5115 Preaching the Word or its equivalent at another seminary to take this course.

Movie Night with Women In Ministry

Seminary women, please join the Women in Ministry Committee on Tuesday, April 23 at 7pm to watch RBG! RBG looks at the life and legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the second woman appointed to the Supreme Court. Looking forward to the time of fellowship!

Scholarship Opportunities at CBE International

This year, CBE International is excited to announce two opportunities to support and empower your students in their scholastic endeavors!

1.        Alvera Mickelson Memorial Scholarship (AMMS): The AMMS is a scholarship set aside specifically for women pursuing master’s ministry degrees at accredited graduate institutions. This year, scholarship awards will be $6,000 each, and go exclusively toward tuition expenses. 

2.       2019 Student Paper Competition: At each U.S.-based conference we offer a student paper competition where undergraduate and graduate students in any field are invited to submit their papers on topics related to gender equality in the church and Christian community. Winners are invited to present their papers at the conference.

CBE was founded by a collection of male and female academics disturbed by the shallow biblical premise often used by churches, organizations, and academic institutions to exclude the gifts of women. In founding CBE, they sought to change the biblical and theological discussion. Because of our history, CBE especially recognizes the importance of supporting women in institutions of Christian higher education. CBE’s networks and resources can provide extremely valuable support for egalitarian women and men in the Christian academic world.

Commencement Volunteers Needed

We are quickly approaching the end of the academic year and are planning commencement events.  If you are available to either help with the graduation luncheon on May 10 or serve as an usher during the commencement service on May 11, please let Emily Wagner know.  If you are a scholarship student, these are both great opportunities to get hours.