Summer Registration


In some ways, it feels strange to be looking toward registration with all that is going on in the world. Here at the seminary we are praying for God’s wisdom and guidance as we make plans for the future. As of March 16, we are unsure how plans for summer courses will proceed. These classes may still be offered as intensives, or may be online. We will update you as soon as possible.

In the meantime, we encourage you to register as feels appropriate. Course descriptions and recommended sequencing for our summer classes are outlined below. As always, if you have questions about course offerings or need assistance registering, don’t hesitate to contact your advisor or Seminary Academic Services at

Classes offered June 1-5, 2020

BIBL 6290 Intercultural Readings of the Bible (3 credits): Co-taught by Dennis Edwards and Max Lee, this course interprets select biblical texts from the Old and New Testament with an appreciation for how African-American, Asian-American, Latin-American, and other ethnic-American scholars hear these same texts from their respective cultural locations and social histories. Special attention is given to exegetical method, theological reflection, and cultural hermeneutics. This course fulfills the cultural diversity elective and is highly recommended if you have not yet completed this requirement. In order to plan for the field trips, Max and Dennis need to have an estimate of the number of students who will enroll for the class. Even if you cannot register right away for the course, please email Max ( if you plan on taking the class so he can count you in the reservation of tickets and field trips. These trips will be subject to the status of current museum closings.

CEDF 7190 Developing Small Group Communities (3 credits): Co-taught by Carolyn Poterek Dallas and Bret Widman, this course will explore how to develop small group community life in the church. The class will take a Christian education and social science perspective exploring how groups learn and grow together while connecting it to our unique Covenant identity and Pietist roots. The course will bridge the historical Conventical Movement with current modes of formation and will pay particular attention both how to structure and facilitate small groups to encourage thriving communities of faith. All MACF and MACM students are required to take at least 3 credits of CEDF electives, so if this course interests you, snatch it up! The course will fulfill a general elective for other degree programs.

HSTY 5230 Christian History 3 North American Christianity (3 Credits): This course is recommended for MDiv distance students who are currently in either their second or third year of study.

FLDC 5300 Vocational Excellence (1 credit): This course is required for all students in their first year of study.

SPFM 5211 Intercultural Spirituality (1 credit): Meeting Thursday and Friday evenings and all-day Saturday, this spiritual formation class is required for all students and can easily be added in addition to intensive courses.

Classes offered June 8-12, 2020

MNST 6115 Spiritual Issues in Chronic Illness and Disability (3 credits): Co-taught by Mary Chase-Ziolek and Mike Walker, this inter-disciplinary course explores the spiritual issues faced by the individual, family , congregations and communities living with chronic illness and disability. Particular attention will be given to the concerns of professional caregivers and the church seeking to provide effective ministry. Throughout the course we will proceed with a lens toward a hospitality of embodiment taking care to address spiritual issues for the “disabled” of body and the “disabled” of acceptance. This class counts as an elective for all students.

MNST 5125 Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counseling (3 credits): This class is recommended for second- or third-year MDiv distance students.

MNST 5130 Leading and Teaching in Ministry (3 credits): This class is recommended for first- and second-year MACM distance students and fourth-year MDiv distance students.