Update on May 2020 Commencement Plans

We are beyond proud of our graduates and deeply saddened by not being able to celebrate in person at this time. We will however mark the end of this academic year and the completion of your studies and then look forward to gathering in person when it is safe to do so.

On May 9th the University will broadcast a virtual Commencement program honoring all graduates (Seminary, Undergraduate and Graduate). While this will be a modified program, it will nonetheless include several important elements, including remarks, special music, and the reading of graduates’ names. Details on how to view the ceremony will be coming soon. Graduates received an email over the weekend with a form which needs to be completed, so please check your email.

On Saturday, December 12, 2020, all May 2020 graduates and their families are invited to campus for an in-person Commencement ceremony. The Seminary Commencement ceremony will take place later in the day with undergraduate and graduate ceremonies happening earlier.

Graduates please be checking your NPU email regularly for updates and instructions. If you have questions, please reach out to Emily Wagner eawagner@northpark.edu